Increasing Wheel Diameter Size

Should you increase your wheel’s diameter?

The answer lies really within what are you looking for and what are you willing to compromise. Increase and decrease in wheels and tires size has impact on wheels be it positive or negative. Unlike wheel’s width, wheel’s diameter can be changed to the size of your liking if it fits your vehicle, there are certain trade offs though. This article will discuss about it so that you can make an informed decision.

When going for an increase in diameter wheels you might have to compromise with all or one of the factors mentioned below:

a) The larger diameter of the wheels means the added power that might be required to make the wheels turn which means more fuel consumption.

b) You will feel the shift of center of gravity if not much a bit though. A bit of awkwardness but you will get use to it with time.

c) Large diameter wheels require more efforts when steering especially for those vehicles that do not have power-steering.

d) There is a likelihood of reduced cornering performance.

e) Ride quality suffers

f) Resistance to bend

and more….

Now about the advantages. The advantages are the looks of the vehicle enhances, there is also a better stability and that the vehicles will have the ability to fit more bigger brake rotors.

After having taken all this into account you can use the plus sizing concept formula for reference. The general rule for

Plus One:

Increase section width by 10 mm

Decrease aspect ratio by 10 points

Increase rim diameter by 1 inch

Plus Two:

Increase section width by 20 mm

Decrease aspect ratio by 20 points

Increase rim diameter by 2 inch.

Click custom wheels if you are looking for alloy custom wheels and aftermarket wheels




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