A Comparison Between Alloy Wheels and Steel Wheels

Alloy wheels are made out of alloy of aluminum or magnesium. Alloy wheels came into picture during 1960’s. They were made of magnesium and were called “mags” (that is the reason why people often call it as “mags” till date). Earlier alloy wheels were not so popular among common vehicles because wheels made of magnesium had low ductility ranging from 2-3% elongation. Magnesium wheels are not made anymore because of the many problems including the cracking which was more common. Magnesium wheels were flammable, required frequent maintenance to keep them shiny. They were used in racing cars at that point of time due to the advantage that gave birth to alloy wheels.

During 1960’s there was an improvement after introduction of alloy wheels. Alloy wheels are now made with aluminum and fusion of other metals. Alloy wheel replaced all the earlier problems and was of low price compared to the magnesium wheels which made it more in approach for the commons.


Alloy wheels vs. steel wheels

Advantages of alloy wheels over the steel wheels. 

1)  Steel wheels are traditional wheels that are not associated with stylish car accessories as there is no variance in terms of look or color whereas the alloy wheel is available in various styles and colors making it the number one choice for those who want to enhance the look of their vehicle.

2)  Steel wheels are lot heavier than alloy wheels. The weight is a crucial factor when it comes to steering response time and handling. The alloy wheels lighter weight improves the handling and steering response as they reduce the unsprung mass that in turn lets the suspension to keep in contact with terrains more closely thereby improving the grip.

3)  Steel wheels are heavier and alloy wheels are lighter. Alloy wheels light weight helps in reduction of fuel consumption compared to a steel wheel. 

4)  Compared to steel wheels, alloy wheels have much improved heat transmission. Better heat transmission helps disperse heat from brakes. Proper disperse of heat allows better braking performance and lower chances of brake failure which often results due to overheating.

5)  Alloy wheels have more strength then the steel wheels due to the technology involved in the process of creation. Steel wheels are susceptible bend more compared to alloy wheels over pot holes.


Disadvantage of alloy wheels over steel wheels.

1)  Steel wheels are lot cheaper in terms of price compared to alloy wheels. 

2) Steel wheels that bend can be fixed but alloy wheels do not bend but break and have to be replaced with a newer one. Alloy wheels are too difficult to be replaced.

3) Alloy wheels are susceptible to galvanic corrosion. This results in air leak in tires if appropriate preventive measures have not been taken.

Canadawheels.ca has huge selection of alloy custom wheels and alloy aftermarket wheels.



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